Saturday, August 2, 2014

Surviving Summer Heat

All the thoughts of the easy, sunny days at the beach or hiking in the mountains are just lovely images for self-employed people.  Additionally the idea that woring for myself offers flexible time for vacation or even a massage is another myth with which I have been living this season.

I am teaching on-line from 10 am until 3:30 on Tuesdays (Pacific) then on Wednesday and Thursday I am in my private practice office while on Friday I am back on-line.  On Saturday I'm back in my office.  Busy is something of an understatement.  So what am I doing to get through this summer with a bit of sanity in place???

Mindfulness.  Yes.  Everyone can benefit from a bit of quiet breathing.  It may be boring to hear the same idea so often AND it works.  Sadly I don't have time to do the above described hiking or laying in the sun.  On the other hand, I am making time to sit five and six times a week. 

Here's a powerful and quick tool to help you get through your own impending Fall stress: 
Stop what you are doing (fixing breakfast, changing a diaper).
Take a deep, gentle breath, take another
Observe how you feel, your thoughts, just observe.
Proceed with what you are doing and hold the refreshed state of mind.

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